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Showing posts from October, 2013

Not Everyone Deserves a Trophy -- by, Chris Coltran

Every time you turn around, someone is trying to make life more fair.  Trying to make sure that there are only winners and no losers.  Life isn't fair. There will always be winners and there will always be losers. Period.  What would be the point of a competition if everyone always won?  If everyone always took first place? If everyone got a blue ribbon? If everyone got a trophy?  If everyone won a gold medal?  That's not life. That's fantasy land. Since when did everyone get a raise?  Since when did everyone get that promotion?  Since when did everybody get their dream job? Since when did every entrepreneur have success?  That is just not the way life is.  I defined success in my first book as, “Running from failure to failure with a smile on your face.” Both of my boys have played youth sports since they were 5 years old.  They first started playing baseball. There were two leagues that we could have played in. One was a noncompetitive league, where they didn't

Too Much Homework - by, Chris Coltran

Why are kids having so much homework given to them in grade school and middle school?  I remember when I was a kid I hardly ever had homework.  I made good grades in all my classes.  This week on just about every talk show on television the pundits have been talking about the amount of homework kids are doing on a nightly basis.  Why?  I have kids in both grade school and middle school and I also believe they have too much work to complete at home after school.  After a full day of school, from 7:15 am to 2:10 pm, my grade school student is worn out.  My middle school student goes to school from 8:45 am to 4:10 pm.  That is a long day and almost dinner time by the time he gets home.  They have both had a full day and it’s no wonder they want to come home and decompress.  They want to play video games, they want to play with their friends, or they just want to watch television.  They have almost put in the same amount of hours in a week as most people do with a full time job.  When